Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Project 01 Movies

MOVIE #1: Project 01 - Action Sequence in Context

This is the full movie that combines the movement sequence from two orthogonal views. The action sequence of further investigation is but the 01:20 seconds that describes my wall run rotated about the stool.

MOVIE #2 (below): Project 01 - Action Orthogonal to Wall

MOVIE #3 (even lower): Project 01 - Action Parallel to Wall

This is the action sequence in investigation. The cameras are set orthogonally and parallel to the background wall. The action sequence is synchronized from both views.

For in-depth investigation, the action sequence is exported at 15 fps to be 20 frames.

1 comment:

L!N said...

Please excuse the layout of the videos, as their final layout does not match their original format.

Hence, Movie #2 is now "top" and Mvoie #3 is now "bottom".